National content network, a series of sites with verticals in a vast range of markets and regions, is teaming up with CBS Local Digital Media to produce lifestyle content for the latter. Examiner sites are part of Clarity Digital Media, […]
Puppies will have to find something else to urinate on, if a dire print prediction by the USC Annenberg Center for the Digital Future pans out. The center believes that in five years time, newspapers will be largely gone from the […]
Internet search and content firm Yahoo Inc. spent $620,000 in the third quarter of 2011 as they attempted to fight off U.S. lawmakers and regulators, an increase of 15% over the same time last year when they spent $540,000. Spent […]
The creators of huge kid and adult based hits The Fairly OddParents, Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! and Johnny Bravo have been creating hits for years and now they want to make one lucky fan into their very own cartoon. Fred Seibert’s […]
One and a half century old publication The Atlantic has adapted well to the medium of web-publishing- beating out much younger titles in its transition to digital publishing- and announced earlier this week that it is adding to its web content […]
Fox News pundit turned web TV pioneer Glenn Beck is putting out a reality show for his site GBTV- following a survivalist family as they prepare themselves for the possibility of unrest and self-sufficiency in the event of societal collapse. […]
For all the whining that goes on about privacy and how Facebook is always messing with the boundaries of what is right to share and what is private we still keep posting a whole lot of crap on places like Facebook, […]
Although it’s only been around for ten months, popular dude-centric advice site Brotips got backing in the millions yesterday from Dallas Mavericks owner and general billionaire Mark Cuban. Details of the deal were not disclosed, but one of the site’s […]
It’s only a few days in to Louis CK’s DRM-free “Live at Beacon Theater” experiment, during which the comic is circumventing traditional distribution channels like Hulu and iTunes to sell the show directly to fans on a dedicated website. (Disclaimer, […]
Humble Indie Bundle 4- the latest installment in the DRM-bucking, multi-platform (PC, Linux and Mac) pay-what-you-want game bundle series- is officially live, running at an average of $5.30 per purchase. (PC users are coming in at about $4.83, while Mac […]
Home automation has always been kind of a holy grail when it comes to technology, especially any kind of automation that you can perform remotely. The only problem is that up until now this has been pretty difficult to do […]
The Associated Press, otherwise known as AP, have a hate – hate relationship with anything to do with the Internet but with bloggers in particular. It’s not just that the AP is the sole provider of about 95% of the non-local ‘news’ that shows […]
On Monday AOL announced the hiring of John Reid-Dodick,the former Global Head of Human Resources for Thomson Reuters Markets. Reid-Dodick will take over as the company’s new “Chief People Officer” within their human resources department. According to the company John […]
Alec Baldwin’s Words With Friends-based drama last week on an American Airlines flight served not only to cast the actor in a slightly negative public light, but has also apparently caused some outrage among flight attendants. Baldwin’s popular NBC sitcom […]