Spotify’s Top 100 in 2011, Country by Country
I have to admit, I’m kind of in love with Spotify. At first, I was like, “okay, so it’s Grooveshark, but I have to open a separate app. Lame.” And then I was like, “well, it might be okay, but […]
I have to admit, I’m kind of in love with Spotify. At first, I was like, “okay, so it’s Grooveshark, but I have to open a separate app. Lame.” And then I was like, “well, it might be okay, but […]
If you’re an avid Redditor, you know Reddit can be a treasure trove of valuable information on virtually any subject under the sun. Some of my personal favorites are r/keto, a catchall for low-carb eaters, r/collapse, a linkdump about all […]
Pretty much everyone is terrified of what will happen if their Google searches are revealed to the world. The predominant search engine is known for its intuition, an attribute that lurks in our minds and nags every so often- like […]
Although several parts of the world are already settled in to next year, with the turnover in each country rolling across time zones, many have yet to hit the milestone- and storm social networks, ringing in the new year. In […]
Does it seem to you like even three months later, those pesky occupiers are everywhere? Perhaps because sometimes, they are. And while the movement has scattered for the time being as frosty weather sets in to much of the northern […]
Last week, Reddit (with a little help from the rest of the internet, including the Cheezburger Network and a tiny site you might have visited once or twice, Wikipedia) helped encourage web users to transfer more than 70,000 domains away […]
You’d have to be under a pretty big rock not to know Facebook dominates much of the social web experience, a hub for communications, socializing, self-promotion, gaming and pretty much every other web activity you can imagine. But a new […]
Although watching a trainwreck usually doesn’t feel good, you could be forgiven for getting a little bit of pleasure from the mass exodus from GoDaddy after the company initially threw its support behind the internet-killing Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) […]
After a short fling, microblogging site Twitter and public relations firm Edelman have parted ways. AdAge reports that the official reason behind the short dalliance is management shakeups at Twitter, and a source at Edelman seems to confirm the break-up cause […]
Via Gawker comes this Christmas miracle manifested by Reddit. A Redditor turned to the site with a heart-rending request- asking the site to find his birth family for him. And- as seems to frequently be the case with the site- […]
Veterans on Facebook may find information about their benefits easier to access as the organization expands its social media presence, most notably featuring 152 Facebook pages- one for every center in the US. A press release detailing the Department of […]
If you’ve felt a bit of a negative vibe on Twitter over the past couple of years, it’s not just in your head. A study out of Vermont finds that an analysis of tweets over the past nearly three-year long […]
I have to admit to being a bit unreasonable about being Facebook-defriended- if you delete me on Facebook, I will probably hold it against you for the rest of your life and you are not invited to my celebrity pizza […]
Hmm… from the files of “not sure if want” comes an innovative new KLM initiative to combine social media and seat selection. On one hand, you won’t find yourself stuck next to a totally boring person who shares none of […]