Archive for category: Mobile

Android Market racking up the downloads at 1 billion a month

Android Market racking up the downloads at 1 billion a month

Android is popular, of that there is no doubt; but then being “free” and thereby making the enprice to the consumer a little more palatable doesn’t hurt it either. Nowhere more apparent is this popularity that the Android Market and the […]

Carrier IQ problems go global as European regulators get in on the act

Carrier IQ problems go global as European regulators get in on the act

I’ve never understood the blindness of companies that lets them do stuff like Carrier IQ is doing, especially in this day and age of almost instant information. For those that might have been hiding under a rock in the past […]

Yahoo’s Top 10 Year In Search: iPhone Wins, Steve Jobs Doesn’t Make The List

Yahoo’s Top 10 Year In Search: iPhone Wins, Steve Jobs Doesn’t Make The List

It wasn’t a person or event that took this years most searched spot via Yahoo, instead it was a device, the iPhone to be specific. Yahoo revealed their top 10 years of 2011 during the company’s 10th annual “Year In […]

CarrierIQ Denies It Violated Wiretap Laws, Defends Product

CarrierIQ Denies It Violated Wiretap Laws, Defends Product

  When news of CarrierIQ’s possibly extensive data-collecting habits began to circulate, consumer reaction was swift- and legal experts opined that the actions could not possibly be in line with federal wiretapping laws. CarrierIQ initially attempted to remove 25-year-old Trevor Eckhart’s lengthy […]

[CarrierIQ] Developer Finds Scary Hidden Functionality in Many Popular Smartphones

[CarrierIQ] Developer Finds Scary Hidden Functionality in Many Popular Smartphones

A 25-year-old Connecticut system administrator has discovered what appears to log every action users engage in using their smartphones, and is back with another muckracking video after rootkit maker CarrierIQ attempted to quash speculation about the functionality of their software. […]

Is Siri Anti-Abortion? iPhone’s New Feature Curiously Silent on Women’s Services

Is Siri Anti-Abortion? iPhone’s New Feature Curiously Silent on Women’s Services

Siri was perhaps the most buzzed about part of the most recent iPhone release, but users say that the built-in digital personal assistant doesn’t want to help out when asked about abortion services. Somewhat more disturbingly, however, is that Siri […]

Report reveals that smartphones only have 26% of the global market

Report reveals that smartphones only have 26% of the global market

If you pay any attention to the tech blogosphere you would think that smartphones rule the world, that everyone and their grandmother has one. It turns out that this might not be the case if a new report from VisionMobile […]

New Technology Could Cut Smartphone Battery Consumption By 74%

New Technology Could Cut Smartphone Battery Consumption By 74%

A new type of network proxy is being developed by researchers at Aalto University in Finland that could help cut the power consumption required by 3G Smartphones by 74 percent. The new device sits between the internet and mobile phones and handles most […]

Poor AT&T, FCC throws another roadblock in their direction

Poor AT&T, FCC throws another roadblock in their direction

About the only people who think that the AT&T purchase of T-Mobile is a good idea is probably AT&T, T-Mobile board members and the lawyers involved; because when it comes to the rest of the world there isn’t any enthusiasm […]

Facebook Phone, Codenamed ‘Buffy,’ in the Works

Facebook Phone, Codenamed ‘Buffy,’ in the Works

It may seem that smartphones are pretty much all but Facebook devices with some calling capabilities, but AllThingsD reports there is a Facebook phone in the works that has the social network at “the core of its being.” The site […]

Pakistan delays its proposed filtering and censoring of text messages

Pakistan delays its proposed filtering and censoring of text messages

It seems that the government thought it would be a good idea to filter the millions of text messages that flow through the country every day and censor them for obscene words. Of course the definition of what would be obscene […]

You can tell us – are you addicted to your cell phone? [Infographic]

You can tell us – are you addicted to your cell phone? [Infographic]

Everywhere you turn these days it seems like everything is becoming some sort of addiction and now we have infographic proof that this whole addiction problem is just ridiculous. Seriously. It’s bad enough that there are serious addiction problems in […]

Phone numbers will be a thing of the past one study finds

Phone numbers will be a thing of the past one study finds

There was a lot of press made the other day about how Steve Jobs had wanted to totally bypass the carriers and build his own wireless network and while that is extremely hard to do these days that doesn’t mean […]

Do we really love our smartphones or are we pining for the old feature phones?

Do we really love our smartphones or are we pining for the old feature phones?

One would think that because of the way we carry on over the release of every new iPhone or Android slab of plastic that we are seriously in love with our technological marvels of communications. It turns out, according to a bit […]