So, do you know what Klout is, or what your Klout score is, or even how much that score is suppose to be worth?
I’m betting that if you have been hanging around the whole social media world for any length of time, and by that I mean doing more than massaging your ego on Facebook, you will probably know what Klout is and chances are you’ll either be gloating or whining over your Klout score.
When it comes to knowing what your score is worth in hard dollars and sense I’m betting not many will know just how much (pretend) money they are worth to some brand out there. This is what the infographic from looks to solve just in case you need even more proof of just how shallow this whole social media thing is.
Now before I say anymore here is the infographic in all its stupefying glory.
Just to set the record straight I don’t think very highly of social media in the first place and consider it as just another shifty way for marketers and brand hucksters to con us into thinking they even give a shit about us as real people.
I think even less of services like Klout and just ask anyone who knows me on Google+ or Twitter and they’ll tell you that I’m not the least bit shy about voicing my disdain of t he service or the people who think it is another way to show the world how important they are.
Now add in this idea of placing a monetary value to that score and you are just begging for even more gamification of social media and the services centered around it. It’s bad enough that Klout is getting the press that it is but rumor also has it that some companies are using that Klout score as a deciding factor between closely matched job applicants.
Just think – your career future could be totally reliant going forward on totally made up and useless “influence” score as decided by some dubious company that has set itself up as the arbiter of your “worth” to companies and brands.
Yup this is going to end well.
via All Twitter