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Spotify Reaches Another Paying Subscriber Milestone


Spotify on Wednesday announced that their paying subscriber base on an international level has now exceed 2.5 million people.

On their blog the Spotify team says:

So we’d like to say a big thank you to all our subscribers, new and old. Keep spreading the good news about Spotify!

Of course, we’ll continue to focus on providing you with the best music service possible. We’ve got some exciting developments in the works, which we’ll share with you very soon.

Given the company’s meteoric rise in paying subscribers and the number of Smartphones being purchased at record levels I won’t be surprised to see this number reach 3 million before the end of the year, if not sooner.

It’s not all great news for the streaming music provider though, as our very own Kim LaCapria reported today nearly 240 indie labels have pulled their artists tracks over fears of “Cannibalization” of profits.

Are you a paying Spotify subscriber? If you are what do you think of the service when used on mobile devices?